The Giving Tree Fund

In 2012, Infoshred President & Founder Stacey J. Lombardo established The Giving Tree Fund in honor of  her 40th Birthday.  She wanted to set up a fund to help people in need and to teach her daughters: Marina, Amelia, and Marcella, about the spirit of giving to others.

Fam One With Dogs
Family Hands

(First gift to Hands On Hartford’s Backpack Nutrition Program, Spring 2014)

The Giving Tree

Grant History:

2014  Hands on Hartford-Hands

2015  Oak Hill Music Therapy 

2016  4-H Camp 

2017  Channel 3 Kids Camp

2018 Community Renewal Team, Inc. Women’s Empowerment Center

2019 Shag Bark Hickory Farm, Inc.

2020 The Salvation Army (Parents Second Time Around)

2021 The TLC Foundation


Infoshred’s Mission Statement 

Why Infoshred? 

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