NAID AAA Certified Member
NAID is a non-profit association formed in 1993 with the sole purpose of educating business and government on the need for the destruction of discarded information. NAID’s membership is comprised of hundreds of companies worldwide and has grown to become the recognized authority on secure information destruction.
As a NAID Certified Information Destruction Contractor, Infoshred is committed to the highest standards.
It is easy to make claims and promises when no one is examining your business. As a NAID Certified Contractor Infoshred has gone beyond claims and promises by submitting to a close examination of every aspect of our security.
While NAID sets the criteria for certification, an impartial, independent security professional conducts the actual audit. Infoshred has attained certification by submitting for critical review our policy and document destruction procedure manuals, employment records, promotional materials, logs and paperwork to verify that they meet the certification requirements. Facility security, monitoring systems, on-site destruction equipment, off-site destruction equipment, and access control systems must also stand up to the auditor’s inspection. To maintain our Certification, Infoshred is audited annually.
Our Compliance to NAID Standards and Your Compliance to the Laws and Regulations.
The growing number of laws and regulations requiring information protection emphasize the responsibility to make careful decisions about how information is handled and who handles it. By selecting Infoshred as a NAID Certified Contractor, you demonstrate that you have made your choice about information protection with care, diligence and respect for the law, including compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and HIPPA security policies.
Infoshred’s Mission Statement
Why Infoshred?
Mobile & Plant-based Operations endorsed for Paper/Printed Media, Micro Media & Computer Hard Drive destruction Certification.
Why NAID Certification is Important?
NAID asks the relevant questions
and verifies the relevant facts.
What is the quality of the physical security at the destruction facility?
Does the vendor have the proper insurance?
Are employees screened?
Do advertised claims match what is practiced?
Are there written policies and procedures… and are they followed?
Are materials destroyed in an appropriate time frame?
Does the destruction equipment reduce the material to an acceptable particle size?
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