Our System
Initial Pick Ups
All containers require a unique bar code. Bar code labels are supplied by Infoshred and must be attached to the front of each container. The bar code numbers are customer specific and allow Infoshred to track and maintain the location of your container through the entire transportation process. Prior to the loading of the containers into the Infoshred truck all container bar codes are scanned with our MC9000 handheld computer. This allows Infoshred to verify both the bar code identifier as well as the total number of containers for pick up. Additionally Infoshred will print a receipt summarizing both the bar code numbers and total number of containers.
Archive Center Procedures
Upon arrival at Infoshred’s secure archive center, the Infoshred driver will unload his vehicle and place all containers into an incoming holding area. To verify their arrival the containers are scanned into this area using the MC9000 and the location and bar code number are down loaded into our RS-SQL database. The record center operations team then data enters any relevant fields including alternate container identification and destruction date. Additional data entry fields will be keyed at the customer’s request. After all data entry is completed the containers will be placed on the storage center racking system and scanned using the MC9000 into the rack location. This information is down loaded into RS-SQL and the containers are maintained in that location until the customer requests them.
Retrievals and Deliveries
As our standard service, Infoshred offers next day delivery for all retrievals called in by 3:00PM. Container ID Number and/or Alternate ID Number must be provided for all retrieval requests. Customers can also request files for retrieval by supplying the Container ID Number and file description. Items are removed from their locations and scanned into an outgoing holding area. The Infoshred delivery personnel verifies the items to be delivered using the MC9000. The items are transported to your facility, scanned as delivered and a receipt is printed as proof of delivery. These steps ensure that the items requested are the items delivered.
Contact Us
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