Manufacturers, what do you do with excess products?

  • April 19, 2022

Manufacturers, what do you do with excess products?

Do you have excess inventory that is obsolete?  Defective inventory that can’t be sold?  Products that have been returned and you don’t know what to do with them?  Infoshred can destroy this inventory and make sure it does not fall into the wrong hands.

When branded or defective inventory ends up in the wrong hands or for sale at a discount store or online sales platform, your company is exposed to legal implications.  If consumers buy a defective product that has been sold as new, your company could be open to bad publicity, lawsuits or even government action.   When excess inventory of your high-quality product ends up in a low-end resale store, your brand reputation will be tarnished.

Throwing your returned or reject products into a dumpster allows dumpster divers or rogue employees to gain access to excess inventory and sell it without your knowledge.  When you reject inventory from your supplier, do you know what happens to that inventory.  Is your supplier selling the excess inventory on eBay or Amazon?  Or maybe they are selling it to your competition?  Shred your excess and reject products so they will be rendered unusable.

As distributor, you may find you have expired goods, or the manufacturer is no longer in business. If you’re legally obligated not to sell it, make sure no one else can either by destroying it.

If you have obsolete, expired, or defective goods, Infoshred can help you destroy them and protect your brand.  Our industrial shredders can destroy your good beyond recognition.  Call Infoshred 860-627-5800 for more information.

Call us at 860-627-5800 for additional information, or click here to get a free

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