One Bank’s Dedication to Helping Their Customers Protect Their Data

  • June 25, 2024

Krissa Beene knows how much her customers value her bank’s Shed Day events. The marketing specialist at Chelsea Groton Bank has been working in partnership with Infoshred for over seven years to offer the community a safe way to dispose of unwanted confidential documents six times a year.

Customers love these events,” she says.  “People call as soon as the last Shred Day is done to find out when the next one will be. It’s something that is searched out each year by the community and our customers. I’ve had people who come from over an hour away just for our shred events. Our customers really appreciate the service.  They give us such great feedback about Shred Days.  It’s nice when we do something for the community that they tell us how much it’s appreciated.”

For Chelsea Groton Bank, partnering with Infoshred to safeguard their customers’ data is just the right thing to do.  “We feel very strongly about customer identity protection and helping them keep their information safe,” she says.  “The members of our community trust us with their confidential documents.  They bring them to our Shred Days because they know Infoshred will take care of their documents safely. They know that shredding is one of the best ways to protect themselves against fraud and identity theft. We believe in ensuring our customers’ information is safe, secure, and out of the hands of fraudsters, so we host our Shred Days to help them stay protected.”

As a financial institution, Chelsea Groton Bank feels a responsibility to educate the members of their community.  “We as a bank feel really strongly about this.  We believe our role is to educate the community about staying safe and ensuring their identities aren’t stolen. We share a lot of information on fraud and scams. And so, this is just another way to ensure that our customers and community members stay safe.”

Infoshred brings special trucks to the events that securely handle and destroy all documents community members bring to Chelsea Groton Bank’s Shred Days.  Infoshred staff and bank personnel meet people at their cars. There can be 150 to 300 of them rolling through the parking lots during the events.  “Those who bring their documents for destruction don’t even have to get out of their cars,” points out Beene.  “They just drive right up, and Infoshred and bank personnel help remove the boxes from their vehicles, get everything in the bins, and whoever’s working the Infoshred truck shreds the documents. Members of our community love it!”

A Long-Time Relationship

This kind of partnership is not unusual for Infoshred, which, over the years, has provided these services to many of its customers.  “We’ve been working with Infoshred for the seven years that I’ve been here, but I know that relationship goes back farther,” points out Beene. “We don’t just work with them for our shred events.  They also take care of all the bank’s document destruction and storage needs.  Infoshred has been amazing. I, and many others at the bank, have very good relationships with everyone there.”

With six Shred Days a year, Beene and other Chelsea Groton team members get to know the Infoshred personnel well.  “The members of their customer service team are great,” Beene says.  “So are the drivers. I’ve built relationships with Troy and Kevin over the years.  They are wonderful with the customers.”

Beene points out that the events underscore the trust relationships they’ve developed with their community.  “Our customers appreciate that, with Infoshred, they know their information will be safe. It’s going to be secure. It’s not going to be stolen. They have that trust because of Chelsea Groton Bank’s years of partnership with Infoshred.”

She sums up the impact of the Shred Days this way: “I think people really value our Shred Days.  They love Chelsea Groton Bank, and they’re so appreciative of all we do for them. People tell us, ‘You’re my bank. We love you.’  And that’s nice to hear. Our partnership with Infoshred is an integral part of the equation. We look forward to having a long relationship with Infoshred for many years.”

About Chelsea Groton Bank

Based in Groton, Conn., Chelsea Groton Bank is a full-service mutually owned bank with over $1.6 billion in assets. Chelsea Groton Bank’s products and services include consumer banking, business banking, mortgage and business lending, cash management, financial planning, and financial education programming. To learn more, please visit Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. NMLS Institution ID 402928.

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