The Pit Falls of Self-Storage for Business Records – a typical scenario for a business using a Self-Storage Unit

  • July 11, 2023

Most of the current company files are within reach and can be swiftly accessed as needed in my workplace. I keep a lot of the older, less-needed files off-site due to the office’s lack of space, so I just rented a cheap self-storage unit close to our location. I typically sprint to the unit during my lunch break or after work if I need any files.

One Thursday afternoon, I was looking for a specific file when I realized it had to be at the storage facility. I really didn’t want to go to the unit after work to grab files, but I knew I needed them for Friday morning. Therefore, at exactly five o’clock, I got in my car and drove there, navigating my way through the rush-hour traffic that had been made worse by a collision on the highway. Why does traffic cause problems whenever you’re in a hurry?

The main entrance door was propped open with a brick when I got to the storage facility. It appears that someone was moving in the possessions of their departed relatives and were too lazy to unlock the door each time.

In a hurry to get my papers, I raced up the stairs to our storage unit.  I was perspiring a lot by the time I reached the third floor. Not because I’m out of shape, but more because it was warm inside the building. I recalled an article I’d read that advised keeping paper documents between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit and between 40 and 55 percent humidity. My gut wrenched when I immediately realized that this location was not suitable for storing my files, especially in the warmer months. I don’t need the files every day, but when I do, they have to be intact, well-preserved, and not yellowed, or curled.

I could smell something off as I got closer to my unit. Is that…that is hydraulic fluid, yeah! I recognized that peculiar odor. I assumed someone could be storing car parts in one of their units, but as I opened the door to mine, I realized the source of the smell. A can of hydraulic fluid had spilled in the unit next to mine, and the fluid was pouring through the bottom of one of my file boxes!

With the heat and the humidity, and the various contents of the storage units, I’m sure there are bugs and mice traveling between storage units.

It looked like another employee was in the unit and piled boxes a little too high.   A bunch of file boxes were toppled over and some of the lids came off with papers spilled across the storage unit.  Now it will be harder to find the files I need.

Keeping documents in a secure records center is not only far safer and more secure than keeping them in a self-storage unit, but also significantly more efficient use of company time and money.  You will have peace of mind knowing your files are protected from the elements and you can review an online inventory anytime.  When you need a file, it can be scanned to your email very quickly or delivered in one business day.

Request an estimate on our website or by calling 860-627-5800 to learn more. Our experts will ask you a few questions to better understand your requirements, after which they will tell you exactly what to expect from start to finish, including the cost.

Call us at 860-627-5800 for additional information, or click here to get a free

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