Why Off-Site Record Storage is Preferable to On-Site Record Storage

  • July 5, 2022

Why off-site record storage is preferable to on-site record storage?

Are you unsure about the best places to keep your documents? You might want to rethink doing it yourself if you were considering keeping documents on-site at your office. Here are a few instances where off-site storage triumphs internal storage:

Improved Security

Although keeping private documents in-house may appear secure, doing so significantly raises the danger of identity theft and commercial fraud. Your sensitive files are more accessible to a dishonest or resentful employee than they are to a thief who is trying to break into your workplace. With the following security mechanisms, off-site storage at a business records center guards your documents against information theft from both insiders and outsiders:

  • Technology for intrusion detection
  • Electronic surveillance
  • Motion detectors
  • Access management and supervision

Every document is continuously tracked with barcode technology, and access to the facility is restricted to screened, approved records management employees.

Disaster Preparedness

Paper documents are seriously at risk from fires, floods, and other natural calamities. However, these are not the only dangers:  Documents exposed to moisture risk developing mold, mildew, and possibly a pest infestation if they are stored in your office storage closet. Sadly, the majority of business filing cabinets are neither watertight nor fireproof. Even if you have forewarning of an impending disaster, it’s quite improbable that you’ll have the time and resources to gather and protect all of your organization’s crucial information.  Experts in disaster recovery advise keeping your company records secure and away from your main office space, for this reason.

The best place to store papers offsite is a commercial records center. In specially designed records centers with climate control and security technology, business documents are disaster proofed.

Accessibility of Files

In-house storage is not only risky, but also ineffective. Documents are frequently kept in file cabinets where multiple persons file and retrieve the information. Additionally, when file administration is handled by committee, there is a higher likelihood that documents may be forgotten or lost.

You won’t have to be concerned about file mismanagement if you use offsite storage. Your documents are barcoded and managed with an inventory system. Authorized members of your company can view the amount and types of data you keep, the owners of each file, and their locations through secure internet access. When a file is required, it is taken from its assigned storage place, its barcode is scanned as part of the continuous tracking system, and it is then either given by hand or transferred electronically via a Scan on Demand service.


Saving you money is the final method that off-site storage surpasses internal storage. It is simply not cost-effective to load office space with file boxes since office space is pricey. Additionally, paying a full-time staff to maintain your document inventory when they could instead focus on key responsibilities that would generate money is just not financially sound.

In a commercial records center, where you don’t have to set aside prime office space for document storage or purchase filing equipment and systems to manage your files, your documents can be stored and maintained considerably more affordably. Additionally, because your records are managed properly and efficiently for you, your administrative expenditures are kept to a minimum.

When it comes to maintaining your papers, offsite records storage is always superior to in-house storage in terms of security, cost, and efficiency.

Records Storage service is offered by Infoshred to companies in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

Please call us or use the form on this page to get in touch with Request an estimate on our website or by calling 860-627-5800 to learn more. Our experts will ask you a few questions to better understand your requirements, after which they will tell you exactly what to expect from start to finish, including the cost.


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