Newsletter – November 2012

Tips to insure the best possible shredding service:

Tip #1- Plan Ahead to Purge!
With the end of the year drawing closer, you might want to think about purging out-dated documents. We will be happy to help you coordinate your special purge project. Infoshred can either pick up boxed/bagged material or deliver extra containers to accommodate any additional volume. Please contact us for assistance.

Tip #2- Keep Contact Information Up-to-date
We always pride ourselves on keeping up with the most accurate information on our customers, so it is important to us to be notified of any address, contact name, phone number, email, or department area changes. The more up-to-date information we have on file the better we are able to service you. Thank you for keeping us up to date!

Tip # 3 – Feedback is Always Appreciated!
Feedback is always considered and appreciated at Info-shred. Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Manager, Lisa Starr-Werkheiser or our Owner, Stacey DiPiazza with any comments, questions or feedback. We truly care about how we are doing!

2013 Calendars will be sent to you shortly

We will be sending out 2013 Calendars via email in the first few weeks of December. Please contact if you need to update your email address.

5 Facts about the impact document management has on efficiency and the bottom line.

Content from AIIM 10 Document Management Fast Facts

  1. Companies spend $20 in labor to file a document, $120 in labor to find a misfiled document, and $220 in labor to reproduce a lost document.
  2. 7.5% of all documents get lost; 3% of the remainder get misfiled.
  3. Professionals spend 5-15% of their time reading information, but up to 50% looking for it.
  4. The average document is photocopied 19 times.
  5. There are over 4 trillion paper documents in the U.S. alone and they are growing a a rate of 22% per year (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

Call us to see how we can help keep you organized with our archiving service.

Our Own Stacey DiPiazza on the Air!

The online and local Massachusetts radio show “Radio Entrepenuers” featured Stacey in an interview recorded at the Firm Future show in Boston on October 12,2012.
Click here to listen!


Of Interest: Shredded police documents used in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Some very private information was unknowingly cast to the winds during one of New York City’s most public events. Read more.*

Infoshred 3 Craftsman Road East Windsor, CT 06088 USA Local (860) 627-5800 (860) 627-5809 (Fax)