Prepare for Your Year-End Paper Purge Now

  • July 24, 2023

Prepare for Your Year-End Paper Purge Now 

Most people and businesses will retain so much paperwork, from bills to tax documents. When the filing cabinet becomes full, you might start making stacks in various locations like closets or around your desk. When the papers start to overwhelm your space, it’s time to prepare for a year-end paper purge.

  • First, consult your accountant and review your industry standards to determine the length of time you should keep the documents.
  • Next, go through everything – anything that is beyond the retention period and not related to taxes and warranties should go into the purge box.
  • Once you go through everything and have prepared the boxes of papers you no longer need, contact Infoshred to pick up the boxes for shredding. We’ll come to your home or place of business to shred all those documents you no longer need.

How to tackle the Purge….

  • Create a Document Retention Schedule
  • Excess paper can be over whelming. You can start the process by addressing one cabinet or area at a time.  Set a day and time each week to work on the project.  By doing a little bit each week, you can slowly complete the clean out.
  • If you really have to keep any of these documents because you like looking back on your accounts, consider scanning anything over a year old.
  • Once we shred the documents, they are baled with other shredded documents and sent to a recycling facility. You’ll be keeping the paper clutter at a minimum and helping the environment at the same time.

Cleaning out your filing cabinets once a year is a huge job. After the project is complete, you can keep up with the paperwork by using a locked shred box in your office each day.   As a document expires, remove it from the filing cabinet and place it in the locked shred box. You can also put junk mail and other documents with personal information into the shred box as you receive them. That way, your year-end paper purge won’t be as painful in the future.

Request an estimate on our website or by calling 860-627-5800 to learn more. Our experts will ask you a few questions to better understand your requirements, after which they will tell you exactly what to expect from start to finish, including the cost.

Call us at 860-627-5800 for additional information, or click here to get a free

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