TOP 5 Document Scanner Questions

TOP 5 Document Scanner Questions

Your company may undergo a major transformation thanks to document imaging. Prior research is crucial before implementing an imaging option. We address the top five document imaging queries in this article.

Q: I want to scan my documents, should I purchase a desktop scanner?

A:  Desktop scanners work well for the occasional imaging of one or two items. You must collaborate with a professional document scanning provider if you want a complete paperless option for your business. 

Q: What advantages does outsourcing my imaging project offer?

A:  A reputable document scanning business can provide you with the tools you need to digitize your paper documents. Using high-speed, production-grade scanners and cutting-edge imaging software, qualified, background-checked scanning technicians arrange, index, and convert your paper documents into digital files. You and your staff can continue to concentrate on your company’s main priorities while they scan your documents. 

Q:What is the ideal location to keep my digital photos?

A:  Your digital pictures can be transferred to a DVD or hard drive by a company that offers document scanning services. Find out if your scanning service provider offers secure online document storage if you’re looking for a secure storage option. With this choice, authorized employees from your business can browse, search, and share your online digital files.

Q: After scanning my hard files, what should I do with them?

A:  It depends on what your industry requires. After imaging the hard copy versions, many businesses destroy the originals. You can securely destroy your paper documents by selecting a scanning company that also provides document destruction services. Or select a scanning company that provides off-site document storage if you need to keep your hard copies.

Q: How do I choose a collaborator for document imaging?

A: Try to find a locally run business that scans documents. This will assist you in eliminating service providers who subcontract their imaging and send your documents to a foreign provider overseas. Find out what protection and chain of custody procedures are in place to safeguard your data. Do not forget to speak with existing clients and request references from prospective suppliers.

Request an estimate on our website or by calling 860-627-5800 to learn more. Our experts will ask you a few questions to better understand your requirements, after which they will tell you exactly what to expect from start to finish, including the cost.

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